My.Application.Log.WriteEntry , by default , writes to the file:
A) assemblyname.logB) Applog.LogC) Application.LogExplanation: This file is located in the application’s data directory.
Which of the folloing kind of collections are supported by VB.NET?
A) ArrayListB) HashTableC) DynamicArray
Filenet and Kofax
What is Filenet and Kofax? Explain in detail
Text report
How to create Text report and Excel report?
Stored Procedures
How can we make INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE & DELETE statements using Stored Procedures?
How do you use two datareaders at the same time in a vb.net windows application ?
For example:while(datareader1.read()) while(datareader2.read()) end whileend whilethis is not allowed even though both datareaders have two different sets of data. can someone help me out with this please..is there another way to do this?thank you
How do you create method which can be accessed without the use of objects reference ?
A) Using FRIEND KeywordB) Using STATIC KeywordC) Using SHARED KeywordD) NONE
VB.NET Interview Questions