The underlying mechanism used by the .NET environment for call back methods
A) PointersB) DelegatesC) None of the above
Which keyword is used in the method declaration to handle an Event
A) EventB) HandlesC) Raise
How do you create a Read only Property in VB.NET
A) Using Only Get..EndGet with in property definitionB) Using Only Set..EndSet with in property definitionC) Using both Get & Set
How do we implement Late Binding in VB.NET
A) Through the use of “Object” data typeB) Through InheritanceC) Through abstractionExplanation: As object data type can store virtually any value type can be determined during run time.
The implementation code in a VB.Net method is enclosed between
A) { }B) ( )C) sub .. EndSub
Reference Types are located on
A) StackB) HeapC) Managed Heap
How do you create a subclass
A) With the help of Inherits keywordB) With the help of Using KeywordC) With the help of Implements Keyword
By default VB.NET compiler will create an assembly that is composed of 2 modules
A) TrueB) FalseExplanation: Compiler creates an assembly that is composed of single module
Which of the following methods still in use to access the COM objects in VB.NET but not used to access VB.NET objects
A) NewB) GetObjectC) CreateObjectExplanation: Createobject is used to access COM objects while NEW is used to access VB.NET objects
When does a Missing Number exception occurs?
A) When there a DLL versioning problemB) When 0 is used as a divisor in an arithmetic routineC) Occurs when there is not enough memory to continueExplanation: Missing Number exception occurs when an wrong version of DLL is referred inside the code.
Where do you find COMException class
A) System.Runtime.InteropservicesB) System.XMLC) System. DataExplanation: Interopservices has all the classes, which related to COM
Which method of the XMLdocument class takes xml as string while loading
A) Loadxml ( )B) Load( )C) Save ( )Explanation: Loadxml ( ) expect the xml to be loaded is passed as an valid XML string
Which one of the following is the best to retrieve the data multiple time from database and to model a complex a relation ship in memory.
A) Data SetB) Data ReaderC) DataRowExplanation: Dataset is a in memory database hence data can be retrieved any number of times and can be modeled to build any complex relation ship.
How do you define attributes in Vb.Net
A) []B) C) {}Explanation: Attributes are enclosed with in the angular brackets in Vb.Net
VB.NEt code can be used in Server side scripting of an aspx page
A) TrueB) FalseExplanation: Either C# or Vb.Net can be used in the code behind of an .aspx page
You can create COM Dll’s using VB.NET
A) YesB) NoExplanation: The DLLs you created in VB.NET are assemblies that contain managed code
All output from Trace& Debug classes is directed to which collection
A) TraceB) DebugC) ListenersD) None
Which of the following NameSpace contains EventLog component?
A) System.ThreadingB) System.IOC) System.DiagnosticsD) System.XML
VB.NET Interview Questions