What is the difference between ADO and ADO.NET?
ADO uses Recordsets and cursors to access and modify data. Because of its inherent design, Recordset can impact performance on the server side by tying up valuable resources. In addition, COM marshalling - an expensive data conversion process - is needed to transmit a Recordset.ADO.NET addresses three important needs that ADO doesn't address: 1. Providing a comprehensive disconnected data-access...
What is "Common Language Runtime" (CLR)?
CLR is .NET equivalent of Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is the runtime that converts a MSIL code into the host machine language code, which is then executed appropriately.The CLR is the execution engine for .NET Framework applications. It provides a number of services, including: • Code management (loading and execution) • Application memory isolation • Verification of...
WebFarm Vs webGardens
A web farm is a multi-server scenario. So we may have a server in each state of US. If the load on one server is in excess then the other servers step in to bear the brunt. How they bear it is based on various models. 1. RoundRobin. (All servers share load equally) 2. NLB (economical) 3. HLB (expensive but can scale up to 8192 servers) 4. Hybrid (of 2 and 3). 5. CLB (Component load balancer).A...
What is "Common Language Specification" (CLS)?
CLS is the collection of the rules and constraints that every language (that seeks to achieve .NET compatibility) must follow. It is a subsection of CTS and it specifies how it shares and extends one another libraries.
Mutable and Immutable classes
What is mean by mutable and immutable classes? Please give any examples.
DotNet Interview Questions