Convert String to Integer
How to convert sting to integer without using library function?
C# Constructor Types
How many types of Constructor are in C#? What are they?
Abstract classes and virtual methods
Abstract classes can be overridden by virtual methods (true, false)
Which of the following is not a member of stringbuilder
A) Append ( )B) Insert( )C) Replace ( )D) Substring( )
Describe the accessibility modifier protected internal.
It is available to derived classes and classes within the same Assembly (and naturally from the base class it is declared in).
AJAX in C#
How to implement AJAX in C#?
C# program to count first 50 number divisible by 3
How to write c# program to count first 50 number divisible by 3 or 4.how to write c# program to count first 50 number divisible by 3 and 4.
It is not possible for a delegate to wrap more than 1 method
A) True
B) False -
Default Access Specifer
What is default access specifer of a class in C#? Is it internal or private?class foo{ int Var; }In the above code snippet. What is the default access specifier for the variable Var.
C# Interview Questions