Use of library statements
Can anyone pls explain in detail the use of LIB statements like JOBLIB,STEPLIB,JCLLIB,PROCLIB.... as i know where to use these but not clear on the purpose of using....
What is the difference between a symbolic and an override in executing a PROC?
A symbolic is a PROC placeholder; the value for the symbolic is supplied when the PROC is invoked, eg. &symbol=value. An override replaces the PROC's statement with another one; it substitutes for the entire statement.
What is the improvement to COND= in the latest version of MVS?
MVS now allows for an IF bracketed by an END IF around any job step to replace the COND= syntax. Again, if the IF statement is true, the step is bypassed.
What does the keyword DCB mean and what are some of the keywords associated with it?
DCB stands for data control block; it is a keyword for the DD statement used to describe datasets. Keywords associated with it are BLKSIZE, DEN, LRECL and RECFM.
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