Convert 2D Array
1. Given an 2D array A[M][N], we are converting it into A[N][M] along with rotating it anti clockwise. What should be the mapping,A[i][j] = A[?][?] (i,j
are 0 based indices) example:.............................................4......81...2...3...4..............................3......7.......................======>..........2......6 5...6...7...8..............................1......5
2.... -
Binary equivalent of Float
How to find binary equivalent of a float number 5.375?
Display data in subscript
How can we display data in subscript by using C language?
Read data in mdb file
How to access and read data in mdb file from C?
Object creation
How can we stop the user make an object on stack, i.e. user must be able to create the object on heap only.
C logic help
In this x is the input and F(X) is the output,tab_func(sin, 0.0, PI, PI/8.0) is the method i have to use to get a output.Plz give me the relation b/w x and F(x).A function which will tabulate values of any given function from a given startingvalue up to (and including) a given final value. The size of the each step from thestarting value to the final value should also be a parameter of the function.For...
What is the procedure in memory after running the c program ?
I mean generally after execution of c program .c,.doc,.exe,.bak files are created,so how these files are allocated in the memory stack?
C Interview Questions