What would be the output of the following program? main() { const int x=5; int *ptrx; ptrx=&x; *ptrx=10; printf("%d",x); }
A) 5B) 10C) ErrorD) Garbage Value
How are pointer variables initialized?
Pointer variable are initialized by one of the following two waysØ Static memory allocation Ø Dynamic memory allocation
Garbage Value
What is garbage value and How it is stored?
printf("Address of j=%un",&j);
printf("Address of k=%un",&k);
return 0;
Suppose the answer is:
Address of i=2004
Address of j=2002
Address of k=2000
why is the address decreasing ?">Consider the following program:#includemain(){int i=3;int *j;int **k;j=&i;k=&j;printf("Address of i=%un",&i);printf("Address of j=%un",&j);printf("Address of k=%un",&k);return 0;}Suppose the answer is:Address of i=2004Address of j=2002Address of k=2000why is the address decreasing ?
NCR function
Write a program in C which will print all the possible combination of a given word. E.G. if the word is ABCD then the output should be ABCD, ABDC, ACBD, ACDB, ADBC, ADCB, BACD, BADC, BCAD, BCDA, BDAC, BDCA, CABD, CADB, CBAD, CBDA, CDAB, CDBA, DABC, DACB, DBAC, DBCA, DCAB, DCBA,but the number of letters of the input must not be fixed i.e. the program should run well for any number of letters.
Convert 2D Array
1. Given an 2D array A[M][N], we are converting it into A[N][M] along with rotating it anti clockwise. What should be the mapping,A[i][j] = A[?][?] (i,j
are 0 based indices) example:.............................................4......81...2...3...4..............................3......7.......................======>..........2......6 5...6...7...8..............................1......5
2.... -
C Program for Combinations
Write a program to generate all combinations of 1,2 and 3 using for loop?
Write a program to find distinct word from a file
Write a program to find distinct word from file,and to check a particular word present or not in each line
Binary equivalent of Float
How to find binary equivalent of a float number 5.375?
Explain C Code
#define sro(X) (X*X)main(){int i=3,j,k;j=sro(i++);k=sro(++i);printf("n%d %d",j,k);getch();}output is 9 49can any one explain why we get second output as 49
Display data in subscript
How can we display data in subscript by using C language?
C Interview Questions