Struts Tag Library
What is Struts Tag Library?
Dispatch Action Class
How can we call one Method from One DispatchAction to another Dispatch Action class?
What are the Important Components of Struts?
1. Action Servlet2. Action Classes3. Action Form4. Validator Framework5. Message Resources6. Struts Configuration XML Files7. View components like JSP
What is Maplet? How is it better than Struts? Explain
Can we go one page to other page using java script or action Mapping ?
Ans: No , when we go one page to other page then we using both , but no togetherotherwise browser incompatible problem arise.
Struts Config File
Can we config more than one struts-config.xml files in 2EE? If Yes, How?
Form Beans
How to evaluate all the form beans that are available in our application, whether or any of the form bean returns validation errors?
Enable and Disable Validators
How can we enable and disable the validators in struts framework
Loigc Iterator
Explain what is logic iterator?
Struts Interview Questions