Which class should you use to obtain design information about an object
The Class class is used to obtain information about an object's design.
Are constructors inherited? Can a subclass call the parent's class constructor? When?
You cannot inherit a constructor. That is, you cannot create a instance of a subclass using a constructor of one of it's superclasses. One of the main reasons is because you probably don't want to overide the superclasses constructor, which would be possible if they were inherited. By giving the developer the ability to override a superclasses constructor you would erode the encapsulation abilities...
What is the data type for the method isAlive() and this method is available in which class/interface?
A) boolean, ThreadB) String, ThreadC) Boolean, Runnable interfaceD) String, Runnable Interface
What is the signature of the constructor of a thread class?
A) Thread(Runnable threadob,String threadName)B) Thread(String threadob, Runnable threadName)C) Thread(Runnable threadob,ArrayList threadName)D) Thread(ArrayList threadob,String threadName)
A single-line comment begins with a ________ and ends at the end of the line
Skill/Topic: AWT & AppletsA) /B) //C) /*D) **
In Java, a source file is officially called a compilation unit.
A) TrueB) False
AWT stands for Abstract Window Toolkit
Skill/Topic: AWT & AppletsA) TrueB) False
Swing's text components display text and optionally allow the user to edit the text
Skill/Topic: AWT & AppletsA) TrueB) False
Thread class is defined in the package ______
Skill/Topic: AWT & AppletsA) java.lang
Each subclass ________ state (in the form of variable declarations) from the superclass
Skill/Topic: InheritanceA) Inherits
Does a class inherit the constructors of its superclass
A class does not inherit constructors from any of its superclasses.
What is the serialization?
The serialization is a kind of mechanism that makes a class or a bean persistence by having its properties or fields and state information saved and restored to and from storage.
What will be the result of compiling the following code: public class Test {static int age;public static void main (String args []) {age = age + 1;System.out.println("The age is " + age);}}
A) Compiles and runs with no outputB) Compiles and runs printing out The age is 1C) Compiles but generates a runtime errorD) Does not compileE) Compiles but generates a compile time error
Java Interview Questions