Abastaction : The Process in which we identify all the relevent attributes and methods related to a perticular entity and finally bind these attribute and methods into a single unit known as class is ...
Apr 13th, 2006
Encapsulation is binding the data & methods together, so that only particular methods should access the data. &...
The question should be made clear first. See, if a thread enters into a 'synch'ed method of an object, it can still enter into another 'synch'ed method of *same object*. This is known as thread re-ent...
Apr 26th, 2006
Well it is possible for the 2nd thread to enter second synchronized function as functions are declared synchronized not the class, so there will be a lock aquired on the fuctions not on the class.
Interace is used when you need 100 % abstraction and this abstraction is used in whole application. While in abstract class abstraction is very depending on how many methods you made abstarct and abstract class is for specific module. Which other class extend and implement its methods.
what sergei told is right .sorry to tell but both of u have given wrong answer. the answer what u told is for specific cast and explict cast
Rajesh Sakhamuri
Nov 2nd, 2005
In java casting are 2 types.1)upcasting,2)downcasting;"upcasting" is nothing but the conversation of data from smaller type to larger type."downcasting" is nothing but the convertion of the required data from larger type to smaller type.
JVM (java.exe) -- The interpreter which interpretes the byte code of the class and executes . JRE - A JRE is a subset of JDK. It has only the JVM (along with minimal libraries), but doesnt ...
If we tke JTextAtrea as exmple, u can see that th view (the JTextAtea itself) does not hve a getText method. But it hav a get Document methdod.The documnt is het Model, nd the jtextatrea is da view.finally u hav the Actions and the listeners. htey r teh conttrller.
The Util package bascially contains Collection as its part. A collections framework is a unified architecture for representing and manipulating collections. All collections frameworks contain the foll...
then how can i call a userDefine constructor i mean parameterised constructor?">
If i am Instantiating a class using "(Abc)Class.forName("Abc").newInstance()"then how can i call a userDefine constructor i mean parameterised constructor?
There is absolutely no way so far for operator overloading in Java. In Java, String is considered like a primitive for which Java provides a default overloaded functionality for + operator. For that matter, even Java does not provide an overloaded - operator for reducing strings ;)
Hi, Java doesnot support multiple inheritance. This is where java differs from c++. Consider a class called Human and a sub class may be Student, Engineer, Employee. All the three ha...
Apr 13th, 2006
Why do you say java is complete object oriented and c++ is not
Platform independence is nothing but the ability to run a software in different operating systems. Portability deals with the hardware and the operating system architecture. The created exe file can b...
Serialization is an important process, but it comes at the cost of performance. Moreover, it is not required that all the classes should be serialized. We need to serialize only those classes whose OB...
Synchronization is a process of controlling the access of shared resources by the multiple threads in such a manner that only one thread can access one resource at a time. In non synchronized multithr...
Mohammad Mustafeezur Rahman (Xavient Information S
Jul 27th, 2006
YES!The main issue when building Java thread serialization is toaccess the thread's execution state, a state that is internal to theJava virtual machine (JVM) and not directly accessible to Javaprogra...
Neither of these objects exists in Java so there is no difference between things that don't exist. There is a MulticastSocket class and a UnicastRemoteObject class, if that's what you mean, but as one...
The following some information regarding the question:The information was taken from (http://saloon.javaranch.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000875) written by sasikala kum...
EJB:RMI-IIOP protocol is used when a Bean is located remotely(Different JVM).If the Bean & Client Application is located on same JVM then RMI-IIOP protocol is not required.
RMI by default uses JRMP(Java Remote Method Protocol)If U use RMI-IIOP then it will use IIOP(Internet inter ORB protocol) as the underlying protocol.This is used to support CORBA with RMI.