How will you determine which driver is connected to the database
Can u give correct answer for this....!
A user leaves an online shopping cart without checking out.Which of the following interfaces will notify to rollback the transaction?
A user leaves an online shopping cart without checking out.Which of the following interfaces will notify to rollback the transaction?a)HttpSessionb)HttpSessionBindingListenerc)HttpServletd)SingleThreadModele)FtpSession
State true or falseCan we retrieve a whole row of data at once, instead of calling an individual ResultSet.getXXX method for each column ?
A) TrueB) FalseExplanation: The ResultSet.getXXX methods are the only way to retrieve data from a ResultSet object, which means that you have to make a method call for each column of a row. It is unlikely that this is the cause of a performance problem, however, because it is difficult to see how a column could be fetched without at least the cost of a function call in any scenario.
Which of the following statements is true regarding the failing of the class.forName in jdk 1.1.x.
A) A workaround is to explicitly call the method DriverManager.registerDriver(new YourDriverClass).B) The problem is due to race condition in the class loader.C) The race condition prevents the static section of code in the driver class from executing and registering the driver with the DriverManager.D) All the above.
WasNull() method to handle null database fields
which of the following methods eliminates the need to call wasNull() method to handle null database fields?a)getObject()b)getInt()c)getString()d)getFloat()e)getNull()
JDBC Isolation Level
Name the method that gives the existing isolation level in JDBC.
When would you use a JDBC-ODBC Bridge?
Explain with examples for SCROLLABLE_SENSITIVE resultset?
Call stored procedure in Java using CallableStatements
How can we call a stored procedure in Java using CallableStatements? Give an example.
State true or false :- ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE used with the result set is used to update the rows directly in the database.
A) TrueB) FalseExplanation: This is the new feature in the JDBC 2.0 API usage is Statement stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
JDBC Interview Questions