What is ACID
Answered by Jey on 2005-05-08 17:27:45: ACID is releated to transactions. It is an acronyam of Atomic, Consistent, Isolation and Durable. Transaction must following the above four properties to be a better one Atomic: It means a transaction must execute all or nothing at all. Consistent: Consistency is a transactional characteristic that must be enforced by both the transactional system...
What is the expansion for BLOB & CLOB?
What are the call back methods in Session bean
Answered by Jey on 2005-05-08 19:41:22: Session bean callback methods differ whether it is Stateless or stateful Session bean. Here they are. Stateless Session Bean 1. setSessionContext() 2. ejbCreate() 3. ejbRemove() Stateful Session Bean 1. setSessionContext() 2.ejbCreate() 3.ejbPassivate() 4.ejbActivate() 5.ejbRemove()
Jarfiles to be build in EJB 2.0
Which are the jar files that need to be externally added to run a simple java program that accesses a session bean in EJB 2.0, using Jboss 4.X application server.
Have you faced Any problems while deploying ejb's in weblogic
what are the serious problems you had faced while using EJB's
What is the purpose of the call to PortableRemoteObject.narrow()?
EJB Interview Questions