What is the difference between ejbStore() and ejbLoad()
Answered by Jey on 2005-05-08 11:06:46: When the EJB container needs to synchronize the instance variables of an entity bean with the corresponding values stored in a database, it invokes the ejbLoad and ejbStore methods. The ejbLoad method refreshes the instance variables from the database, and the ejbStore method writes the variables to the database. The client cannot call ejbLoad...
Does Stateful Session bean support instance pooling
Answer posted by Mohan on 2005-05-21 19:24:23: All Beans support Instance Pooling
Why are ejbActivate() and ejb Passivate() included for stateless session bean even though they are never required as it is nonconversational bean
To have a consistent interface, so that there is no different interface that you need to implement for Stateful Session Bean and Stateless Session Bean. Both Stateless and Stateful Session Bean implement javax.ejb.SessionBean and this would not be possible if stateless session bean is to remove ejbActivate and ejbPassivate from the interface. You could argue that the two (stateful and stateless) are...
What is abstract schema
Answer posted by Mohan on 2005-05-21 18:34:01: CMP uses abstract schema to map to the physical database
What is the difference between CMP 1.1 and CMP 2.0
Answer posted by Mohan on 2005-05-21 17:15:36: CMR and sub classing of the CMP bean by the container
What is CMR
Answer posted by Mohan on 2005-05-21 17:14:47: CMR - Container Managed Relationships allows the developer to declare various types of relationships between the entity beans
What is the difference between sessioncontext and entitycontext
Answer posted by Mohan on 2005-05-21 17:08:14: Session Context Contains information that a Session Bean would require from the container Entity Context contains the information that an Entity Bean would require from a container
What is the difference between JNDI context, Initial context, session context and ejb context
Answer posted by Mohan on 2005-05-21 17:07:03: JNDI Context Provides a mechanism to lookup resources on the network Initial Context constructor provides the initial context. Session Context has all the information a session bean would require from the container Entity Context has all the information that an Entity bean would need from a container Ejb Context contains the information...
EJB Interview Questions