A reference object encapsulates a reference to some other object so that the reference itself may be examined and manipulated like any other object. Three types of reference objects are provided, each...
The doomed transaction acts like a read-only transaction. Reads may be done, but any statement that would result in a write to the transaction log will fail with error 3930
We can use CallableStatement to call a stored procedure from to our java application.InStatement and Prepared Statement object to send an sql statement to Database Server.
it's an additional information to sahoo's answer only. RequestDispacher is an Interface ,it provides two methods. forward() and include() Precisely to this context, container ...
In case of the Dispatching a request we can use the relative path.Incase of Forwarding a request it internally execute the RequestDispathcher.forward() and forward() method cannot be used to dispatch ...
??In many software concern handle project based Projects ,and few are doing product that means there in no unique client for that projects and the developer or?programmer ?didnt know about the cli...
The most simple and obvious reason is that any Object (not just a thread) can be the monitor for a thread. The wait and notify are called on the monitor. The running thread checks with the monitor. So the wait and notify methods are in Object and not Thread.
RequestDispatcher is used to redirect a request on the server side.It is used in the follwing way: getrequestdispatcher().forward() : forwards to a resource ie the control for the request and the resp...
heavy weight means which occupies more memory i.e awt but these awt run fast because they have native content .but where as swing occupies very less memory and runs slow because they donot have native content
Volatile Variable: Whenever a variable is declared as volatile, the thread accessing the variable have to reconcile its copy of variable with the master copy of that variable....Transient:We can decla...
Transient: The transient modifier applies to variables only and it is not stored as part of its object's Persistent state. These variables are not serialized. Transient instance fields are neither sav...
Overriding vs. OverloadingMethod overriding requires the same method signature (name and parameters) and the same return type. Only non-final instance methods in the superclass that are directly acces...
Antony Praveen Kumar
Dec 1st, 2006
Method over loading : Compile time the compiler will decide which method to execute.(Example for compile time polymorphism)Method over ridding : At run time OS will decide which method to execute.(Example for Runtime polymorphism)
It won't be correct to say C++ has some drawbacks due to which Java was invented.Remember Java is not a replacement for C++.C++ is meant to solve some problems, Java is meant to solve some different problems.But both are equally important and would stay for years to come.
Feb 2nd, 2007
Java is platform independent but C++ is not.
Java support net based applications.
It is platform dependent and no security.
For every time we compile in different platforms.
Yes, it is interpre...
Thr is a module in the application which is not at all working so it is given high severity but it will be have low priority if that module gets discarded for the release.
sudhir deshmukh
Nov 3rd, 2006
The example is :Suppose you have an login screen on which if you will enter a 100 word password (normally no one is using) than it will come under high severity but at the release time if you are not ...
System is a class that is defiend in the java .lang package that defined static object out of type PrintStream class. By using this out object we call the println method of PrintStream class.
Thanks & Regards
Arpit Choudhary
Feb 5th, 2007
In the System is system is class, included in java.lan.Object .and also it has a out ,in and err is variables are in this system class.println is the method in printWriter then accessing the message. ok see u , u r lakshman
Object is an instance of a class means it has separate copy of all instance variable of class.i.eObject and Instance is same.
Feb 5th, 2007
When we create object of any class...we ll call it "Object" n we allocate memory to the same object using "new" keyword after memory allocation we call it instance........or we can say before memory allocation we call it "object" n after memory allocation we call it "instance"Thanx n Regardsijay
Hai, in java program we can break the firewall between the registry and the program. So we can access the memory directly, because of that we are not using the pointers in java.
Jan 30th, 2007
Study said in Java "Call By Refrence " is possible . Thats not the fact .When u pass an object to a method, it is copied at the recieving end. So now two object points to same memory area. Class A...
public class Increment{ public Increment() { int i = 0, j = 0; System.out.println( "1- j = " + j ); j = i++; // prints 0 but infact the value of j is 1. System.out.println( "2- j = " + j )...
There is definitely no difference between ++i and i++ if they are used as statements on their own. Only the presence of an additional assignmentforces a difference in the compiled bytecode.In the cont...