OSPF Protocol
What is the address of OSPF Protocol?
WLL Network
Explain about WLL.
Laptop Modem test
How do you test if the laptop's modem is working or not?
Netting and Super-Netting
What is the difference between netting And Super-netting
IP packets
How does the data gets transformed from bytes to packets in each layer of OSI before reaching destination
Server Security
How to keep Server secure from hackers?
Self-diagnostic test
How do you determine self-diagnostic test? Other than command prompt
Laptop modem
How do you know if the laptop’s modem is working or not
Boot trace command
What is the difference between pin6 and boot trace command
What is the difference between NETBIOS and DNS?
Advantages of wimax over satellitelink?
What are the advantages of wimax over satellitelink?
Commercial Bands frequency
What are the main commercial bands and their frequencies?
Networking Questions
Q1: Describe the specification and characteristics and applications of a modem. Q2: Differentiate between broadband and baseband communication.Q3: (i) Explain through a diagram how does ATM network work?(ii)Discuss the ATM cell format.Q4:(i)List and describe all the layers of TCP/IP with the protocol functionalities and standards.(ii)Make a comparison between Switches and Hubs.
Network Support Interview Questions