Limit Rows Per Page in Report Builder
How to limit the rows in page?
Drill Through from PDF Report
Is it possible to create a drill through access to other report from a PDF report. If yes, how?
Improve Report Running Performance
How would you be able to improve the performance in running a report? i) Basically in order to tune the report what are theproperties you can set? ii) Some of the reports are running in Dev (Cognos environment) against the Prodution database(OLTP) whereThe performance is taking a hit. Is there any mechanism in Cognos where-in we can improve it?
ReportNet Security level filters
What are the different security level filters possible in ReportNet?
Repeater Table
What is Repeater Table ?? How its More Useful Over List Table ??
Reportnet Query and Layout Calculation
What is Query Calculation?What is Layout Calculation?
Reportnet Render Variables
What are render variables?
Cryptographic information Error in ReportNet
I am unable to save cryptographic information and unable to run reportnet in web browser. so please help me.DPR-ERR-2058 The dispatcher cannot service the request at this time. The dispatcher is still initializing. IAM encountering with this problem.
Prompt Values
What is the maximum limit(no.) of values you can display in a value prompt?
Frame Workmanager
Outline the steps to connect Dot Net to Reportnet?Without Star Schema how to create Framework Manager?
Structure your Framework Manager
How would you structure your Framework Manager Model? Would you structure into different layers?If you would structure what would be the layers like and what each of them would signify?
Reportnet Window Case and Analytical Function
What is Window Case? What is Analytical Function?
Reportnet Interview Questions