How to create the staging area in your database
Client having database throught that data base u get all sources
How can u work with remote database in informatica?did u work directly by using remote connections?
To work with remote datasource u need to connect it with remote connections.But it is not preferable to work with that remote source directly by using remote connections .Instead u bring that source into U r local machine where informatica server resides.If u work directly with remote source the session performance will decreases by passing less amount of data across the network in a particular time....
What r the tasks that source qualifier performs?
Join data originating from same source data base. Filter records when the informatica server reads source data. Specify an outer join rather than the default inner join specify sorted records. Select only distinct values from the source. Creating custom query to issue a special SELECT statement for the informatica server to read source data.
What r the types of groups in Router transformation?
Input group Output group The designer copies property information from the input ports of the input group to create a set of output ports for each output group. Two types of output groups User defined groups Default group U can not modify or delete default groups.
What r the methods for creating reusable transforamtions?
Two methods 1.Design it in the transformation developer. 2.Promote a standard transformation from the mapping designer.After U add a transformation to the mapping , U can promote it to the status of reusable transformation. Once U promote a standard transformation to reusable status,U can demote it to a standard transformation at any time. If u change the properties of a reusable transformation in...
What is power center repository?
The PowerCenter repository allows you to share metadata across repositories to create a data mart domain. In a data mart domain, you can create a single global repository to store metadata used across an enterprise, and a number of local repositories to share the global metadata as needed.
What r the types of metadata that stores in repository?
Following r the types of metadata that stores in the repository Database connections Global objects Mappings Mapplets Multidimensional metadata Reusable transformations Sessions and batches Short cuts Source definitions Target defintions Transformations
What is parameter file?
Parameter file is to define the values for parameters and variables used in a session.A parameter file is a file created by text editor such as word pad or notepad. U can define the following values in parameter file Maping parameters Maping variables session parameters
What is the Rankindex in Ranktransformation?
The Designer automatically creates a RANKINDEX port for each Rank transformation. The Informatica Server uses the Rank Index port to store the ranking position for each record in a group. For example, if you create a Rank transformation that ranks the top 5 salespersons for each quarter, the rank index numbers the salespeople from 1 to 5:
What r the types of maping in Getting Started Wizard?
Simple Pass through maping : Loads a static fact or dimension table by inserting all rows. Use this mapping when you want to drop all existing data from your table before loading new data. Slowly Growing target : Loads a slowly growing fact or dimension table by inserting new rows. Use this mapping to load new data when existing data does not require updates.
What r the different types of Type2 dimension maping?
Type2 Dimension/Version Data Maping: In this maping the updated dimension in the source will gets inserted in target along with a new version number.And newly added dimension in source will inserted into target with a primary key. Type2 Dimension/Flag current Maping: This maping is also used for slowly changing dimensions.In addition it creates a flag value for changed or new dimension. Flag indiactes...
How the informatica server sorts the string values in Ranktransformation?
When the informatica server runs in the ASCII data movement mode it sorts session data using Binary sortorder.If U configure the seeion to use a binary sort order,the informatica server caluculates the binary value of each string and returns the specified number of rows with the higest binary values for the string.
Informatica Interview Questions