Add New Parameter Set
I have a job with 2 parameters sets, I added new parameters sets, is it necessary to compile the job or not?
How to Seperate Repetating & non-Repetating data.
I have data in Table as
Now I want to have Output as repeatating records in one table & non-repeatating in another table
Table 1 :
Table 2:
Print Minimum & Maximum Salary of Respective Employee
I have an input file in the below format :
---- ---
A 4000
B 3000
C 8000
A 2000
B 7000
C 5000
B 2000
C 9000
A 1000
If I will use Sort ---> Aggregator Group by then it will give 3 columns like NAME,MAX(),MIN()
---- -----... -
SCD Insert, Update and Link Data
While implementing SCD, there are two output links updating data to same table. One link for insert and one link for update. How it is possible? Will it not result a write lock on a table if two links accessing same table for writing?
Implement SCD stage using Lookup Stage
Can we implement SCD stage using Lookup stage? If Yes then how?
Change Partition to Auto in Join stage
What will happen if we will change the partition to Auto in Join stage?
How to load 2 files data into a single file without using join stage
I have 2 files having different meta data and 2 files does not have any common key. How can I load the 2 files data into a single file without using Join stage?
Oracle Connector Stage and Oracle Enterprise Satge
1. What is the difference between Oracle connector stage and Oracle enterprise stage.
2. If we can achieve Oracle enterprise stages task using Oracle connector stage then why Oracle enterprise stage exists? -
DATA Set Removed why
Why we are using orchadmin to remove dataset. why we are not using rm commond in remove dataset..and why you need dataset remove waht is the reason?
What are Sequencers?
Sequencers are job control programs that execute other jobs with preset Job parameters.
Perform Funnel
I have 10 files, in 5 files having same data(3 columns), 5 columns having same data(4 columns). How can I perform funnel and what are stages required from me?
How Can we run a Datastage job form sequential mode to parallel mode
Suppose I have designed a Datastage job using sequential file stage,It will run in sequential mode.How can I run it it Parallel mode.
How to automate a Datastage job with out using Sequencer
Without using Sequencer how to design a Datastage job which normally receives input file to run. If tomorrow we will not receive any input file Job should not fail. It will run successfully without any warnings.
Merge Two Columns into One Column in Target
I have a file having columns C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 with comma delimited.In target I want store the first two columns value into one column.
Like below
Input Output I need
-------------- ----------------------
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C1(C1 & C2 value) C3 C4 C5
That means my input is 5 columns & Output will be 4 columns.
Can... -
Minimum Number of Input and Output for Lookup
What is the minimum number of input and output required for Lookup ?
Handle Rejects in Transformer
How to handle rejects in Transformer & How many rejects a xfm support?
Where do you use Link-Partitioner and Link-Collector ?
Link Partitioner - Used for partitioning the data.Link Collector - Used for collecting the partitioned data.
Track Source File name in Target File
I have 5 source files. In target I need to write it into a single file. But in the output file I need the corresponding input file name i.e which records are coming from which source file. How to achieve this?
Dsjob run command in Unix platform
We are using below command in Unix to run a Datastage Job:
dsjob run mode project_name job_name
When we are executing the above command in Unix what exactly it returns?
DataStage Interview Questions