Automation of Goal Refresh via SDk
How to automate goal refresh using Java SDK?
IRise with RUP
How do you use iRise prototyping tool with RUP process? How do you use iRise rational requisite pro?
Change Repository Name in Services
In BOXI R2 How to change repository name in Services?
BOXiR2 Installation
How to install BoxiR2 into personal computer using windows?
BOxi Features
What are the new features of BOxi?
How to delete Watchfiles in BOxi
Is there a option in Business Object xi to delete watchfiles.
How to migrate requirements from DOORS to Quality center
Hi,can any one say how to export requirements from DOORS to Excel 1. it should be done automatic not manually2. all the requirement's and their links also to be exported into Excel
ZABO connections
What's the difference between secured, personal, shared, full-client, and ZABO connections?
Aggregate Awarness Function
In BO 6.5 How to implement aggregate awarness function in retail outlet scope.
Business Object and Action
What is the difference between business object and action
Translate Business Reporting Requirements
How to translate bussiness reporting requirements into universe strategies?
Display NULL values using prompt
How should display the null values using prompt in BO Report
Refresh Dashboard
Explain dashboards and its functionality and also how to refresh dashboards?
Sending and Publishing a Report
What is the difference between sending a report and publishing a report?
Hyperlinks for subreports in Webi
How can we use hyperlinks for subreports in Webi documents in XIr2
Business Objects Interview Questions