Errors while creating reports
Which type of errors/problems we may face while creating the reports?
Errors While Creating Universe
Which type of errors/problems we may face/get while creating the Universe?
Multiple Queries
By using multiple queries how to synchronize the data in web intelligence?
Summary Table
What is Summary Table? On whch table we can use aggregate aware function?
How to create S.No variable which starts from 1 ?
I am trying to create S.No. column for a report by writing this formulae =RowIndex() Where (="2002")But is generating S.No starting from 0 (not from 1).
Input Context and Output Context
What is input context and output context? Where it is used?
What is the maximum possible number of tables in the repository
I am working on the Business Objects 6.5.1 Repository which is in Oracle 9i database. I need your help regarding this. Firstly, What is the maximum possible number of tables in the repository? Secondly, Is it possible to generate a report that describes the user's access rights in details (Like a user has access to Business Objects, BQY, Webintelligence, supervisor or designer . - Thank you
Filewotcher in BCA
What is the use of filewotcher in BCA
Bsiness Ojects (supervisors)
1.what is a calculation contexts2. what is a cardinalities3. what is a categories4. what is a channels5. what is a classes6.what is a combined queries
Using Aliases and Contexts together to resolve a loop
How and in what scenario we can use Alias and context together to resolve the loop?
Business Objects Interview Questions