Which oscillator is best for general purpose?
Digital Vs Analog Technology
Where will Digital and Analog technology come into play in the CCTV technology in terms of data storage.
Regulators without Filters
What problem arise if we use regulators without/before filters?
Length of IR(Instruction register)
What is the length of IR(Instruction register) 1. 6 bits 2. 8 bits 3. 12 bits 4. 16 bits
FET Voltage Control Device
Why FET is known as voltage control device?
Potential Transformers
What are potential transformers?
BJT Control Device
Why BJT is called current control device?
MCB Incoming Side
In connections of MCB, is it necessary that the incoming side supply should be connected at top side of MCB.Whether this has any effect in tripping of MCB in case of fault ? ( If connected reverse, it will not trip ! )
Tristate Signal
What is the meaning of Tristate Signal in Electronics?
Package for silicon die
What is the purpose of the package around a microprocessor silicon die?
Synchronous Circuit
What are the main advantages of synchronous circuit?
Binary to Gray Code
Ist convert 8 bit binary to gray code using EXOR ICs and again convert gray to binary code
Digital concept
What is the difference between latch and flipflop?what is the main difference between 8085 and 8086 processors?
P-n Junction
Why gold is added to the p-n junction?
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