Circuit dynamics
How do we solve for poles and zeros in a circuit dynamics
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
List the basic ways of determining the voltage standing wave ratio in a transmission line.
VFD Input Frequency
Can VFD step up to 60 Hz if it is designed to receive 50 Hz input?
Concrete Transformer Frame
What are the problems that may occur if a transformer frame is made of concrete instead of metal?
Q Points
What is the importance of 'Q Point' in transistor's load line analysis?
Excessive Power
How can we make use of excessive power efficiently?
Relay Dynamic Time
What is dynamic time of a numerical or electromagnetic relay?
Power Transformer Design
Calculate Power Transformer Design for 25kva 33kv/400v
Test New Electrical Installation
In residential building electrical installation has been completed. How will you test this new electrical installation of building?
Limit Short Circuit Current to Twice the Full Load Current
Full load SLip of a 400vstar connected 50 hz 3ph IM is 3.5 and with locked rotor full load current is circulated if 92v is applied between lines find the necessary tapping on the autotransformer so as to limit short circuit current to twice the full load current.
Leakage Currrent
How will you calculate the leakage current?
Power Factor
The power is -ve for the first 2ms and then it will -ve What will be the P.F. Angel?
VFD Testing
Can you test a VFD panel with Resistive load banks? If Yes, How?
CT accuracy
How to calculate and manufacture the 5P20 class CT with require knee point volt?
Inductive Load
How to design inductive load for 3 phase 440v and maximum 5 amps for star or delta?
AC Drive
How does a AC drive work? Why does not AC motors blow up when testing dead short but it would if you put DC on it?
Electrical Engineering Interview Questions