Induction Motor Rotation
How we can change the direction of rotation of Induction motor?
Overall Power Factor of a Panel.
In a panel, I have following loads with respective power factor,
load A - 0.85
load B - 0.8
Load C - 0.9
How to calculate the Overall power factor of the panel, whether I have to take average or I have to consider the lowest? -
DC supply to Transformer
Why the transformer will burn if DC supply is given?
DC Voltage Frequency
What is the frequency of DC Voltage?
Transformer Voltage Regulation
Which of the following test are to be conducted for the determination of voltage regulation of a transformer.a. Load Testb. Short Circuit Testc. OC Testd. Retardation Test.
Measure Reactive Power
Can we measure reactive power by using only a single wattmeter? If Yes, How?
Impedance matching
Explain briefly about impedance matching and how the transformer serves in impedance matching?
Neutral ct
Why do we use neutral ct in a transformer?
Power Main Cable Puncture and Bursting
In a Manufacturing Factory, it is observed regularly the power cables are bursting resulting in fire even though branded cables are used. Identify the cause of bursting and guide to avert any future disaster of cable failure leading to mega fire accident.
Load Increases when Power Generation is Constant
What happens if load increases when the generation is constant?
Electrical Ceiling Fan Rotation
Why ceiling fan rotates in anticlockwise direction?
Relation between mutual flux , useful flux & Power factor of a Transformer.
If mutual flux is 1.2 Wb, power factor if 0.8 lag, then what is the useful flux of a Transformer?
Inductance in Transmission Lines
What type of effects are produced in transmission lines due to mutual inductance and due to self inductance?
UPF and LPF Wattmeters
How is UPF Wattmeter different from LPF Wattmeter?
Half Controlled and Full Controlled Rectifier
What is the difference between half controlled and full controlled rectifier? Why we go for full controlled while half controlled can control voltage?
DC Pulse when applied to Transformer
When DC is applied, Transformer goes in to saturation, What happens if DC Pulses are applied, will this be safe? Will it act as transformer?
DC-DC Flyback Convertor
What is the flyback convertor?
Electrical Engineering Interview Questions