Cube preparation
How many cubes( size 150*150*150)prepare for 1 cum of concrete as per is code
Storm Water Drain closure
Dear sir,
Required the below mentioned details for the Storm Water Canal
Thickness 6Inchs
Length : 90 ft
Breadth: 20 ft
Tons of steel required?
Binding wire
Which is the best dia of binding wire to be used?
and how would we define?
What is the class of cantilever?
Distribution Steel
Why is distribution steel provided only in one way slab and not in two way slab?
Precast Concrete Connections
How are precast concrete connections constructed?
RCC Vs Steel Design
What are the basic differences between the RCC design & Steel design?
Percentage of Steel and Concrete
How many Percentage of Steel and Concrete in a column and Slab
Bulking of sand
What do u mean by bulking of sand
Working Drawing v/s Submission Drawing
What is the different between Working drawing and Submission drawing?
RCC - Column, SLA, Beams and Cover
Explain what are Column, SLA, Beams and Cover?
Reinforcement in beam
Why do we provide extra reinfocement bars at the end portion of beam?and how we can calculate the amount of reinfocement?
Structural design
I would like to obtain a free software for structural design of concrete elements.
manoj -
Quantity Survey Billing Engineer - maintenance of JCB.
JCB Hiring rate includes maintenance of JCB....yes or no
Eexcavation level readings
We get excavation level readings more accurate with total station, say yes or no ( and give reason)
Cube test
I am casting Raft and get the cube .after seven days test the cube that was pass as per rule so i will testing after 28 day ? yes or no? and why?
Civil Engineering Interview Questions